Yea! It's Friday and Cricut 360 Challenge day! For Challenge #9, we are celebrating Labor Day by showcasing ways to Relax!
This past summer, my dear husband bought a hammock for the backyard. The girls and I love to go out back and swing. I also try and escape to the hammock without them for a little quiet time.
Crocs Lite is an awesome cartridge with so many cute images. I just loved the one with a crocodile in the hammock. The Paper Pups cartridge had this great word art. I don't know where all the patterned paper is from because I got it from a "scrap swap" I just participated in. So fun! I gathered up all my patterned paper scraps and traded scraps with a crafty friend on Facebook.
Isn't this guy just the cutest?

Well I hope you feel inspired to play along this week with us at Cricut 360 and just Relax!